Victorian Lace Hoodie

Victorian Lace Hoodie

Victorian Lace Hoodie

Product code:6-2

The garment is constructed from high-quality lace fabric with a floral motif. The dress has two layers, an inner layer made of cotton with lace on top providing both durability and stretch for a comfortable, form-fitting silhouette.

The bodice showcases a sweetheart lining beneath a transparent lace overlay, giving a subtle yet seductive effect.
A fitted waist design with lacing in the back accentuates the figure, leading to a skater-style skirt that offers a flattering drape and ease of movement.
The sleeves are full-length, following a bishop design that tapers into fitted cuffs, lending both volume and grace to the arm movements.
An incorporated hood, lined with the same ornate lace, presents both a practical and stylish element, adaptable to various styling choices.

Whether worn as a short dress to a sophisticated evening event or as a hoodie paired with sleek leggings for a night out, this Victorian Lace Hoodie Dress is versatile, unique, and utterly captivating. It is a garment that promises to be the centerpiece of your wardrobe, a statement of elegance and edge, perfect for those who revel in the dance of light and shadow.

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